August 11, 2017 • Comments Off on Summer Reading, Reading List XV
Well summer has largely vanished, students will be back to the greenswalds of St. Lawrence in about two weeks, and the autumnal click of life will be upon us. So for a last summer reading list I’m going to call my own number again to submit a list of books about poetry, about writing, that resonate with me. Or will resonate, there are a couple of titles here I haven’t read but with this list am noting them for future reference…one or two short pieces mixed in here with the books:
Nice little list, if I do say so myself. Of course, EB White’s essay on writing in his famous Elements of Style with William Strunk is well worth reading…
August 9, 2017 • Comments Off on Summer Reading, Reading Lists XIV
What did I read, you ask? My summer reading list played out thusly:
I’m about halfway through The Women A Novel, and when I’m done with that, it’s off to Robert Lowell and autumnal reading…
August 2, 2017 • Comments Off on Summer Reading, Reading Lists XVIII
The University of California publishes wonderful summer reading lists for their incoming students (found at This summer’s list for the class of 2021 is grouped together under the heading “What Can We Change in a Single Generation?” Selected by students, faculty, these titles ask that question in a number of ways, and on this early August day there’s still time to work through a summer reading list:
Interlibrary loan those we don’t have! Happy California dreaming and reading…
July 28, 2017 • Comments Off on Summer Reading, Reading Lists XVII
This time a listening list. Turning again to NPR, who, back on July 24th, published their 150 Greatest Albums Made by Women list (the link is to the top ten). It covers pop, rock, country, R & B, and jazz albums. To cut to the chase (or to spoil the suspense, depending on how you look at it), Joni Mitchell’s Blue takes the top spot, while I could quarrel with that (and with Kate Bush’s Hounds of Love being buried somewhere in the mid-forties), this is an heroic undertaking, a thoughtful compilation (with well written notes for each record), and lots of good suggestions for something to either put on the turntable or fill the iPhone headphones on a summer afternoon or evening.
July 25, 2017 • Comments Off on Summer Reading, Reading List XVI
Every week the Wall Street Journal has been publishing a summer reading list. On July 22nd, it went like this:
- The Creative Spark by Agustín Fuentes
- Darwin’s Unfinished Symphony by Kevin Laland
- The Trial of Adolph Hitler by David King
- Shakespeare’s Roman Trilogy by Paul Cantor
- Caesar’s Last Breath: Decoding the Secrets of the Air Around Us by Paul Kean
- A Mind At Play: How Claude Shannon Invented the Information Age by Jimmy Soni and Rob Goodman
- Person’s Unknown by Susie Steiner
- Dream Colony by Walter Hopps
- Why? What Makes Us Curious by Mario Livio
You’ll need Interlibrary Loan to connect with our reading friends at the WSJ, but remember, ILL is an easy option (requiring but a little patience)…happy reading!
July 20, 2017 • Comments Off on Summer Reading, Summer Lists XV
Writing in “Library Babel Fish,” her occasional column for Inside Higher Education on July 20th (today!) Librarian par excellence Barbara Fister describes her interest in crime fiction. It’s a lovely short piece on a reader’s life, a taste inherited from her mother that has propelled her through the labyrinthian libraries of crime writing, of police procedurals. She provides a short list of titles that are on her mind now:
- The Simple Art of Murder by Raymond Chandler
- Lockdown by Laurie King
- The Dry by Jane Harper
- Bluebird Bluebird by Attica Locke
Two of the three titles not the the SLU Libraries are available through the Canton Free Library, and even the illusive Bluebird Bluebird can be tracked down through Interlibrary Loan. Happy reading!
July 17, 2017 • Comments Off on Summer Reading, Reading List XIV
Cleaning in my office last Friday I came upon the type of document one comes upon cleaning one’s office (if one is a librarian). It is titled “Joshua Foer on Memory: The Best-Selling Author and 2006 Memory Champion Picks Five Unforgettable Books About the Art of Remembering.” I must confess to not knowing really anything about Mr. Foer, but he’s picked five very interesting books about the physiology and cultural significance of memory:
The one title we don’t have by Draaisma is available through ConnectNY. I might also add the 1805 version of The Prelude by William Wordsworth. Memory and its relation to how we build our personalities was of central importance to Wordsworth, Coleridge, Shelley, Keats, and Byron, and The Prelude articulates their collective study with the most eloquence. But not the 1799 Prelude, not the 1850 Prelude, the 1805 Prelude, trust me.
July 13, 2017 • Comments Off on Summer Reading, Reading List XIII
Full disclosure, I have only been the Upper Peninsula of Michigan a few times, but as a long time fan of Jim Harrison’s writing I have a fondness for the place. Well, for the idea of the place…much of Harrison’s work is set in his native UP and the quintessential Jim Harrison hero–an angst-ridden native of Northern Michigan estranged from a love he is not entirely over on the cusp of a mid-life crisis hard drinking male–is one of the great heroic types in contemporary American literature. In paddling across that Lake Superior otherwise known as the Internet, I came across this list of 2017 Bestsellers from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, and I couldn’t resist. So here, without further ado, are the top UP books of 2017:
I must confess to being a little unsure why the Hemingway collection makes the list, and while all the titles not in the SLU Libraries are attainable through Interlibrary Loan, give your favorite Interlibrary Loan office a little time to chase down the Kath Usitalo title! Happy reading…
July 11, 2017 • Comments Off on Summer Reading, Reading List XII
Ah, to put down one’s money and take up a book–JPMorgan Asset & Wealth Management has published their summer reading list. It’s quite a list, and, would be, a fine group of non-fiction books to spend whatever time it took (away from one’s ticker tape) to read:
Titles not in ODY can be easily borrowed through Interlibrary Loan, the Interlibrary Loan Office is open all summer long.
July 6, 2017 • Comments Off on Summer Reading, Reading List XI
The Washington Post (picking a major American newspaper somewhat at random) has published its list of summer reading books. The list features all genres, among the fiction recommend on the list is:
All of the titles not held by the SLU Libraries are available through the Canton Free Library.