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Summer Blogging: Holding the Mail

Clarissa,_or,_the_History_of_a_Young_Lady_(title_page)I am out of the office for two weeks, so will suspend blogging about letters for that time. However, what a perfect mid summer block of time to read Clarissa by Samuel Richardson which is A) perhaps the first novel in English, and B) is an epistolary novel!  If in fact begins the tradition of the epistolary novel which continues to this day.  We have a lovely four volume 1932 version of Clarissa published in four volumes.  Imagined letters will certainly do when there is no real mail awaiting one…

And given the weather is supposed to be sultry in extremes, we have Richardson’s correspondence in six volumes if you really want to read…back with more on letters later in the summer…

~ by pdoty on .

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St. Lawrence University