Summer Reading, Reading List XVI
Every week the Wall Street Journal has been publishing a summer reading list. On July 22nd, it went like this:
- The Creative Spark by Agustín Fuentes
- Darwin’s Unfinished Symphony by Kevin Laland
- The Trial of Adolph Hitler by David King
- Shakespeare’s Roman Trilogy by Paul Cantor
- Caesar’s Last Breath: Decoding the Secrets of the Air Around Us by Paul Kean
- A Mind At Play: How Claude Shannon Invented the Information Age by Jimmy Soni and Rob Goodman
- Person’s Unknown by Susie Steiner
- Dream Colony by Walter Hopps
- Why? What Makes Us Curious by Mario Livio
You’ll need Interlibrary Loan to connect with our reading friends at the WSJ, but remember, ILL is an easy option (requiring but a little patience)…happy reading!