Cafe Discussion Post #7

We discussed Judith Butler’s article on vulnerability and resistance. This article addresses vulnerable populations, from a feminist perspective, and specifically women. We were all able to relate to this because we are all female. We also all thought this article was particularly interesting because it relates to many current events. Allie brought up a topic we also discussed in class; resistance through the form of protests are empowering, however, they can lead to discrimination even when they are fighting for equality. We discussed this in class by pointing that certain populations cannot participate in resistance when it is in the form of protests. Immigrants, children, physically disabled, or even people who do not appear to fit in with what is being protested are not warmly welcomed. Louise brought up the question about how effective protests really are, and if they are still practiced only because they were so prominent in historical events. Other forms of resistance such as violence have not proven to be as successful, however we thought it was ironic that when resisting and fighting for equality and rights through protest, there are still large populations that are being marginalized. Tao brought up the stigma that protests carry with them. Their popularity and heightened use was during the 1960’s and 70’s. We agreed that this causes protests to be associated with hippies, more “free spirited people”, and people with not enough power to make a change happen in a more civil manner, based on the U.S. history. This is also exists because people will enough influence and power can make a change happen on their own, they do not have the need to gather large groups of people to revolt to get the outcome they want.

Tao Ameden, Allie Dadoly, Louise Nielsen

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