…with the new president in place, and with Whitehouse.gov redesigned on inaguration day, it’s a good moment (on a gloomy Friday) to think about finding Government Information! Three important quick hits:
- Firstgov.gov The United States Federal Government information portal. It’s attractive, well organized, and does a good job reaching across the vast U.S. Government websphere for important information. Always a good place to start a search.
- Library of Congress An important web site for both accessing the Library of Congress information and digital collections, but for legislative information, notably Thomas, the U.S. Legislative search engine.
- The SLU Libraries Government Information Resources Our own meta-list!
- The University of Michigan Documents Center Government information on a global scale, with many topical meta-lists. Trust me, the folks who do this work day and night on it.
Thinking good thoughts about the President and Presidency…