…with grades in, winter equinox come and gone, and a blue moon on the horizon, it’s time for recreational reading! (At least for a couple of weeks!) In keeping with the stated purpose of Odyssey Online, and after much deliberation, we offer a selection of books of poems, books about poetry. Now, I can’t say I’ve read all of these…what’s holding this group together is that they are all very new: a selection of contemporary poetry, poetry criticism. Holiday reading, what better! Enjoy:
- Can Poetry Save the Earth: A Field Guide to Nature Poetry by John Felstiner
- The Poetry of Rilke translated and edited by Edward Snow
- Our Savage Art: Poetry and the Civil Tongue by William Logan
- With Everything We’ve Got: A Personal Anthology of Yiddish Poetry translated and edited by Richard Fein
- Of this World: New and Selected Poems 1966-2006 by Richard Stroud
- Shelter by Carey Salerno
- Ka-Ching by Denise Duhamel
- All Night Lingo Tango by Barbara Hamby
- Evidence: Poems by Mary Oliver
- Shannon: A Poem about the Lewis and Clark Expedition by Campbell McGrath
- Endpoint and Other Poems by John Updike
- Romanticism: Poems by April Bernard
- In Search of Small Gods by Jim Harrison
Contemporary poetry. With this contemporary post Odyssey Online will be taking its holiday break, but will be back in the new year with posts on all things libraries…