One of the great pleasures of life in the North Country is a summer walk. Morning walk with aspirations of high prayer, evening walk with aspirations of ice cream cone. Here is a list of books on walk, by no means limited to walking in northern places, but books that comment on the place of the meditative walk in human life:
- Walk’s in Nature’s Empire: Exploring the Nature Conservatory’s Preserves in New York State by Scott Edward Anderson
- Waterfront: A Walk Around Manhattan by Phillip Lopate
- Lost Art of Walking: History, Science, Philosophy and Literature of Pedestrainism by Geoff Nicholson
- Walking to Vermont: From Time Square to the Green Mountains–A Homeward Adventure by Christopher Wren
- The Beat Generation in New York: A Walking Tour of Jack Kerouac’s City by Bill Morgan
- On Foot: A History of Walking by Joseph Amato
- Feet on the Street: Rambles Around New Orleans by Roy Blount Jr.
- Outside Lies Magic: Regaining History and Awareness of Everyday Places by John Stilgoe