…well we have yet to purchase an edition of anyone’s collected Facebook posts, but we do continue to buy collections of letters and monograph editions of journals. Those private and semi-private publications wherein the voice of a life can be experienced. Here is a list of new (and lets say “newer”) editions of letters and journals in our collection:
- Letters from Rupert’s Land, 1826-1840 : James Hargrave of the Hudson’s Bay Company Edited with an introduction by Helen E. Ross
- Selected Letters of Anna Heyward Taylor : South Carolina Artist and World Traveler Edited by Edmund R. Taylor and Alexander Moore
- Letters from Black America Edited by Pamela Newkirk
- Letters to Jackie : Condolences from a Grieving Nation Selected by Ellen Fitzpatrick
- American letters : 1927-1947 Jackson Pollock & Family Choice of letters by Francesca Pollock ; Edited and annotated by Sylvia Winter Pollock ; Introduction by Michael Leja ; Drawings by Charles Pollock
- The Lewis and Clark Journals : An American Epic of Discovery : the Abridgment of the Definitive Nebraska Edition Edited and with an introduction by Gary E. Moulton
- The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath, 1950-1962 Edited by Karen V. Kukil
- Journals, 1952-2000 Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. Edited by Andrew Schlesinger and Stephen Schlesinger
- Journals by Kurt Cobain
- Selected journals, 1820-1842 Ralph Waldo Emerson Lawrence Rosenwald, editor
- Selected journals, 1841-1877 Ralph Waldo Emerson Lawrence Rosenwald, editor