How to be alone

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I first watched this video in Amy Hauber’s Digital Media & Culture course last year.  I think it addresses a very odd taboo in youth culture today: the fear of being alone.   Tanya Davis, the author of this poem, so passionately wants us to quit believing that loneliness is equivalent to sadness or failure.

Think about it. Are you a victim of this social programing? What do you do if you’re alone in the pub or, dare I say, Dana? You’ll probably pull out your cell phone and text someone, scroll through your email, or check the weather.  Perhaps in ultimate desperation, you’ll leave quickly before anyone can notice that you are unaccompanied.  As if being alone instantly means you are unwanted or that there is something deeply wrong with you.

I think that this video so plainly shows that being alone is not horrible or the last resort for a Friday night.  In fact, the quest for a companion, as Tanya says, can bring your so far from your own happiness.  So next time you’re alone while walking on campus, eating in the pub, or at the bar, think of this video.  Put away the cell phone and bask in your solidarity!

About Mike

Junior at St. Lawrence University double-majoring in biology and fine arts.
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