Spring 2012 Submissions!

Time to crank those creative gears.

Alright, my fellow students.
It is that time of year again–
the season for submitting your finest works to The Laurentian Magazine has begun!!!

We accept student original work of poetry, fiction writing, non-fiction writing, screenplays, art and photography. All submitted work will be blindly-edited by our illustrious editing board for the Spring 2012 edition of The Laurentian.

Submit your work in the drop box on the blog, or email them to thelaurentianmag@stlawu.edu by Friday, February 24th.

Written works must be sent as Word files. For artwork, all photos must be sent as .jpg files. Please include the title of each piece, the submission category, and your name as you would like it to be spelled. Then, you will be notified via email about the decision of each piece you submit around the middle of the semester.

Spread the word, and send your submissions in today!

About nleigb10

I'm a food geek, traveller, and senior at St. Lawrence double majoring Global Studies and Multi-Language Major.
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